[CK]: R U R34DY?
-- turntableboner [tb] has responded to gutzRx3 [G3] AT 11:01 AM.--
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[TB]: no im not actually
[CK]: oh :(
[CK]: so l13k do u not w4nna go?
[CK]: bc 1M HYP3D UP! >:3
[CK]: l1k3 1m rlly 3xc1t3d
[TB]: you know you interrupted my ps2 retro gaming time
[TB]: but its okay im not gonna block you or anything
[CK]: good u b3tt3r not
[CK]: or 3ls3 1 w1ll K1LL U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[TB]: please dont do that
[TB]: my bro will be devastated
[TB]: like immensely
[TB]: the smell of his despair will be so harsh that youll be able to smell it from your side of the city
[CK]: oooook4yyyyyyyy 1 wont k1ll u d3n
[CK]: bc w3'r3 fr13ndz 4nd stuff
[CK]: but u should b3 c4r3ful bc 1m sup3r strong
[CK]: 4nd 1 could k1ck ur 4ss
[TB]: im seeing a lot of talking and not a lot of proofing
[CK]: l1k3 d1s
[CK]: ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
[TB]: oh shit
[TB]: you might have me there
[TB]: thats kind of fucking scary actually
[CK]: 1 know!!!!
[CK]: somet1m3s 1 sc4r3 mys3lf xD
[CK]: ok4y but jok3z 4sid3 1m gonn4 4dd u to 4 m3mo w1th t3h oth3rz soon!!
[CK]: 4nd w3 w1ll t4lk 4bt wh3r3 2 m33t up n stuffz
[TB]: aye aye captain