Your name is OTIS HARLOW.
You are 15 years old, and you've been living with your OLDER BROTHER.
You live in a world that OPERATES SIMILAR TO A VIDEO GAME. Something you and the other inhabitants of the city are used to. You have your own INVENTORY SYSTEM, your own LEVEL and EXPERIENCE system, among a plethora of other things that WILL BE REVEALED LATER. You've just woken up, much earlier than you usually do, so that you can go to an anime convention. A convention nearby your APARTMENT. Your ONLINE FRIENDS have been planning to attend for a few months now. And they've invited you. Speaking of anime, it is one of your INTERESTS AND HOBBIES. Which you have a large amount of. You like to call yourself an aspiring PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER, and you have an infatuation with 20th century video games. Not because you want to seem retro or anything, you're just actually from that era. A lot of your spare time is spent on a DAW program titled FL STUDIO. Where you like to make your FUCKING DOPE BEATS.
You have a ps2 collection which you secretly pride yourself on, because if you were to flaunt it openly, girls probably wouldn't like you as much. And it's not like you intentionally created a collection, you JUST SO HAPPENED to have a lot of ps2 games. You don't exactly have any sort of cosplay on standby, so you're probably not going to change. What do you do?